A parody of the highly acclaimed book by Charles Mackesy, The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse, that has been adapted into an oscar-nominated animated short film! Written and illustrated by Eddie Ornery, an angry and cynical bastard, living in the rainiest region of England, The Kid…Hearse is a contemplation for the irate, annoyed and irritated. Eddie is the “Bizarro” Charlie Mackesy and an unapologetic asshole. He thinks that the end of the world is always around the corner. A life lesson for the naive, the innocent, and the befuddled, this book follows the meanderings of the aforementioned characters, as they stumble through and ponder life’s mysteries, subtleties, and roadblocks that are the hallmarks of a doom and gloom-filled 21st-century existence. For everyone that wants to celebrate the little cynical bastard inside us all. Help spread the misery. Written by Eddie’s alter-ego Mike Bender of Awkward Family Photos notoriety and illustrated by Ted Intorcio from Tinto Press.
Hardcover 6″x8″ Black and white with spot colors, 72 pages.
ISBN: 978-1-7333634-8-8
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